Sunday, November 25, 2012


Today I got to finish something that a year ago I couldn't even fathom..... I completed my first Half Marathon (Seattle Half Marathon):
At the finish line with my Medal

Start line for the Half
In the I90 tunnel
Final time: 3:05:09 which is about 5 min over my original aim.  I used this Half training schedule from, chosen after having such success using the same type of program for 10k training.
I can honestly say that I wasn't able to give the schedule the real time necessary to train properly with the long runs in the latter part; even though the step up in mileage was manageable, the 1.5-2+ hours needed for the runs after about 8 miles is a hard one to fit into a traveling schedule.  No, that's not an excuse, I made the choice of work over the run and will admit my last 3 miles suffered immensely for that.  I know know exactly what "The Wall" feels like, and it sucks.  

I was lucky enough to have the greatest support team EVER consisting of my BF and our 2 close friends; over the course I saw them 3 times, which is pretty impressive when you think that they had to battle closed roads for the course to do it.  Seeing my bf on that last mile helped me push through one of the hardest runs of my life and get it done.  Crossing the finish line and getting that medal put on me was more emotional than I thought it would be; what a great experience... but I think that I'll be sticking with 5k's & 10k's for a while.
And really, right now, running pretty much the last thing on my mind... time for a little recovery.

Golden Feature:

Since I can't seem to get my hands on Usain Bolt's Gold Olympia shoes, I'd settle for these Gold ones by Adidas (On Sale for $95.99!)  Those wings just scream Speedy!

Golden Tidbit:" The difference between the mile and the marathon is the difference between burning your fingers with a match and being slowly roasted over hot coals."  Hal Higdon

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