Sunday, December 2, 2012

iPhone goes for the Gold

After 3 very painful months of no wifi due to an unfortunate..... water incident, I am now the proud owner of a brand new iPhone 5!

I've only been wanting to upgrade since it came out (ok, not that long, but still), but I'm one of those budget conscience people who will wait until the contract upgrade rather than paying the up-front $600+ even if it killed me to have the outdated model.
I didn't notice how slow my phone was until after playing with the 5 in the Apple store.  After that, it felt like every activity took so.much.longer.   I have close to 2,000 pictures on my phone, both personal and for work purposes, so the camera speed & quality is incredibly important to me.  If you don't have an iPhone 5, find a friend or go to the Apple store and test it.  Literally burst photography, which allows me not haul around my DSLR all the time.

Golden Feature:

This is the new case I just ordered from Amazon ($12.95). Let me say there's a LOT of gold cases on Amazing, but look carefully at the close-up pics of the camera lens portion; over half of them cover it. Or the bezel comes too close to the lens which results in too much lens flare (experience garnered from a red case that made all my pics glow pink)

Golden Tidbit: "Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works." - Steve Jobs 

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