Sunday, November 4, 2012

The beginning

So this is the beginning. The beginning of many posts about....well, pretty much everything.  I've been wanting to start a blog for a while now but couldn't manage to just settle on one topic.
I tried to narrow down but ended up with a lengthy list covering fashion, fitness, food, entertaining, wine, tech, travel and just about anything in-between.  So, I decided to throw it all in (yes, into the Kitchen Sink).  I'll be covering a Golden Feature (you'll get to know my love for everything gold), fashion tips, product reviews, recipes, how to entertain, the newest gadgets, how to be the best frequent flyer, even wine recommendations. 
So here it is, I give you a golden guide to everything. 

Golden Feature:
West Elm Gold Flatware
I purchased 4 sets of these for entertaining a few weeks ago and LOVE them (I got them on sale, get them before the price goes back up!)  What's better than eating with gold flatware?  Link: West Elm Gold Flatware

Golden Tidbit: "To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift." -Steve Prefontaine

1 comment:

  1. Andro Testo Pro In fact, these pills are also made to make it easier for a man to have a larger penis thanks to the added support for width. The penis will not have an unusual appearance as it grows in length because the corpora cavernosa will expand in width just like it will in length.
