Sunday, January 6, 2013

New year, new Golden opportunity

I'm not big on New Years resolutions.  I hate the obligation to stick to something I think will make me a better person that I probably should be doing anyway.  The whole feeling of it hanging over my head leads me to hate the idea.  Instead I thought I would do something that I WANT to do and think will make other people as happy as I am to get it. I love getting mail.  Real-in my mailbox-with a stamp on it-bonafide snail mail.  I'm pretty sure that I'm not the only one; who doesn't like discovering that little golden envelope with a stamp on it mixed among all the bills and ads and junk mail?  So this year I am committing to send 52 letters/thank you notes/birthday cards/care packages to the people in my life.  I know that Mail seems to out of date in this online era (says the bloggger) but  I hope my recipients enjoy receiving as much as I enjoy sending.
And yes friends, I have of course found a place online to make custom Gold Postage (

Golden Feature:
These hand engraved Gold cards from Crane & Co are a perfect way to say Thank You!

Golden Tidbit: "I've always felt there is something sacred in a piece of paper that travels the earth from hand to hand, head to head, heart to heart.” - Robert Michael Pyle


  1. I totally agree. There is nothing better than seeing a envelope with your name on it that isn't a bill! I really hope actually letters come back into fashion. It is the nicest thing you can give someone. I love sending Birthday cards/catch up letters x

  2. I have bought a stack of cards to send from the Stan as I have heard the selection there isn't so great....but I am feeling you. I hate NY resolutions but sending real mail does seem like a good one.

  3. The other side of the coin is the whole Postal service going broke thing. I figure let's keep the practice alive while we still can and bring a little joy into everyone's mailbox.
