Sunday, December 30, 2012

Local Liquor

I received a fantastic belated Xmas gift from my brother; a bottle of Sun Liquor Co. Gun Glub Gin:
This resulted in one of the best G&T's I've ever had, which of course made me research this amazing liquor.  Turns out Sun Liquor Distillery is one of the only distilleries in the US that has a full service bar  & restaurant (with Brunch!)
And lucky for us, was just up the hill (514 E. Pike, Seattle)

 We ended up with some pretty delicious Biscuits and Gravy, a damn good Moscow Mule for me and a refreshing Greyhound for Jeremy (with fresh squeezed Grapefruit - fresh squeezed really does make all the difference).  We also tasted their original Gin (Hedge Trimmer) as well as their Vodka, which we ended up purchasing (the vodka); any restaurant/bar where you can also purchase booze is a pretty good deal, really.
Not only is Washington blessed with an abundance of wineries and craft beers, but we are actually a home to quite a few local distilleries. Along with Sun Liquor, there is also Sound Spirits (Interbay), Mischief (Freemont), 2 Bar (Sodo), Oola (Cap Hill), Batch 206 (Interbay) and that's just a few of the local ones within walking/Uber distance for me.  (Let me know if I forgot any others in the DT Seattle/Cap Hill/Interbay area; I count Woodinville as a separate "distillery district").

Golden Feature:
A gold flask seems like a pretty good way to transport new distillery goods as needed, and this one's on sale on Overstock for $28.49

Golden Tidbit: "I drink Champagne when I win, to celebrate... and I drink Champagne when I lose, to console myself." - Napoleon Bonaparte

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