Sunday, August 25, 2013

Arts and Crafts

As you know (if you're a regular reader) I moved into a new office a few months back (Read here about the original ideas).  I promptly had every intention to decorate and, well, it hasn't happened.  Since I travel often in my job, I can go for weeks at a time without seeing the inside of my office.  That unfortunately means that decorating has fallen to the back of the line of Very Important Things I need to do list.  I did go out and buy some picture frames when I first moved offices and had great intentions of painting them Gold.  This is kind of what I had in mind:
But all gold frames with black & white prints and white matting, and little more space between them, leaning more this direction:

This weekend I finally had the chance/time to paint the frames and I have to say, they came out very well. (Please note: I am by no means a DIYer, ask anyone who knows me. I'm very proud of these.) Also a thank you to Stef & Charles for providing the garage space to make it happen!

I used Rust-Oleum "Specialty Metallic" in Gold; just a few passes and it dried to the touch in less than 30 minutes.  The one at the top had been a dull gold, and the other a Mahogany color.  When I finally get the prints done I want to put in them I'll post a finished pic.  I'm actually looking for some much larger frames to do the same with (my office has very large walls) but but haven't found a frame that is both large and ornate enough to satisfy the look I want.

Golden Tidbit:

I just happened to be browsing at West Elm this week (I can't help it, it's only 4 blocks from my apartment!) and found these completely by accident and I'm so glad I did.  I'm in the place where I should be saying to myself "hey, you should just leave it there and register for this sort of thing" but I just can help myself.  Really, could you?  I didn't think so.  Only $29 at West Elm

Golden Quote: "The best decisions are always made at the last minute.  Just know what the last minute is." - Holly Hunt

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