Sunday, August 11, 2013

15 Must See Movies

There are some movies that you just think of as classics.  Not the Academy Award stuff (necessarily) but the movies that you feel everyone should see, probably has seen, and you are pretty much in disbelief if someone tells you they haven't.  The kind of movies that elicit the, "Oh my God, how have you not seen this before, you have to go watch it now" kind of movies. This happened to me today when my Fiance told me he had never seen "Close Encounters of the Third Kind".  I grew up with that movie, and consider it one of those movies that I assume everyone else watched too.  With this discovery comes a pressing desire to tell you what the other classic movies are that you might not have seen but absolutely should. (not included in this list are movies that I truly assume everyone on Earth has seen, like The Matrix, Top Gun, Back to the Future and Independence Day).

  1. Fifth Element
  2. Shawshank Redemption
  3. Princess Bride
  4. Four Weddings and a Funeral.
  5. Monty Python and the Holy Grail
  6. White Christmas
  7. Michael
  8. The Usual Suspects
  9. Fried Green Tomatoes
  10. Boiler Room
  11. Ever After
  12. A Beautiful Mind
  13. The Never Ending Story
  14. 12 Monkeys
  15. Twister
*Honorable mention goes to Idiocracy and Sweet Home Alabama.

Golden Tidbit:

Obviously you are going to need some popcorn to go with your movie watching.  How about some Gold Mine Popcorn, available for $10 at Sun Snacks

Golden Quote: “The length of a film should be directly related to the endurance of the human bladder.” 
 Alfred Hitchcock

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