Sunday, June 23, 2013

Wedding Guest Etiquitte

It's June and that means that wedding season is in full swing. This means gift buying, attire planning and celebration to be had for close friends and family!
We were lucky enough to attend a wedding of some good friends last night who included this sentiment on the toasting glasses: 

When attending weddings I have my own set of wedding ettiquite rules that I use, which are pretty common sense, but always a good idea to review for the season. 
  • What to wear: Since a wedding is a celebration, not something to mourn, black is a color I won't wear.  Red is also on the no-go list; nothing should take attention from the bride & groom, and red pretty much does that (shades of pink and maroon are fine, but bright fire red seems..... inappropriate). I personally believe it goes unsaid that white is a huge and obvious no-no. Unless of course the invite specifies colored attire.
  • What to give: If the Bride and groom have registered, I tend to stick to it.  You know they want/need the items since they've taken the time to list them. I have recently seen a rise in the use of a site called which allows you to contribute to the couple's honeymoon (airfare, hotel upgrades, excursions, etc) so they can enjoy their first time away as newlyweds.
  • How to toast: Try to keep your toast genuine, heartfelt, and to wishing the couple many years of love.  We've all been at the wedding where the embarassing college or pre-couple story cropped up in a toast and it makes the whole room uncomfortable. Keep the sentiment true to your good wishes for the couple, everyone will admire your thoughts.
  • Bonus - Social Media:  In today's age of social share everything instantly, the desire to post pictures of the beautiful wedding is overwhelming. Know your coupleThey may want to be the ones to post the first pics of their special day. Conversely, they may provide a wedding day hashtag to encourage posts (example: #smithwedding).  I've even seen wedding pic sharing apps so that all the pictures the guests take are in one place.  If you aren't sure, ask someone in the bridal party.
Golden Tidbit:

Sometimes you need just the right accessory to complete the perfect wedding guest outfit.  I was browsing at H&M last weekend and found a Pyrite necklace that let me to this Etsy beauty. I've been thinking about picking up something like this for a while, so it was pretty perfect timing. For just $25 what a bargain!

Golden Quote: "Love one another and you will be happy. It's as simple and as difficult as that." - Michael Leunig

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