Sunday, June 30, 2013

Train Travel

We're traveling via the 'ol Railroad today to start our vacation. Granted, this railroad has wifi and we're sitting in business clas, so a little different from the "classic" train.  We're heading to Portland for a mini vacation; really just a few days away from everything to relax, take a break and pretty much do nothing except eat, drink and quietly compare everything to Seattle.  That's pretty much what a vacation is all about, right?

We took the 7:30AM Amtrak train this morning, leaving from King Street Station:

But the real treat is inside......

King Street Station
The King Street Station originally opened in 1906, and a restoration was just completed in April of this year; truly a sight to see.  The ceiling used to be hidden by acoustical tiles (see here) which were removed during the restoration to reveal the incredible detail you see in that picture. (More info about King Street Station restoration project here) 

Union Station
We had to make a quick Starbucks run before boarding and got to pass Union Station on the way, which I've heard is equally impressibe inside.  We'll be passing through on the way back so we'll have the opportunity to see for ourselves.
Narrows Bridge
Once on board the train, we settled in to our spacious Business Class seats and relaxed to take in the impressive scenery.  Above you see a shot of the Narrows, we tried for a shot of Mt. Rainier as well but it just didn't want to turn out.

Golden Tidbit:

Although not available for purchase (at least not the original), there's only one appropriate tidbit for today's rail post; the Golden Spike driven at Promontory Point. 

Golden Quote: "Railway termini are our gates to the glorious and the unknown.  Through them we pass out into adventure and sunshine, to them, alas! we return." -E. M. Foster

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Wedding Guest Etiquitte

It's June and that means that wedding season is in full swing. This means gift buying, attire planning and celebration to be had for close friends and family!
We were lucky enough to attend a wedding of some good friends last night who included this sentiment on the toasting glasses: 

When attending weddings I have my own set of wedding ettiquite rules that I use, which are pretty common sense, but always a good idea to review for the season. 
  • What to wear: Since a wedding is a celebration, not something to mourn, black is a color I won't wear.  Red is also on the no-go list; nothing should take attention from the bride & groom, and red pretty much does that (shades of pink and maroon are fine, but bright fire red seems..... inappropriate). I personally believe it goes unsaid that white is a huge and obvious no-no. Unless of course the invite specifies colored attire.
  • What to give: If the Bride and groom have registered, I tend to stick to it.  You know they want/need the items since they've taken the time to list them. I have recently seen a rise in the use of a site called which allows you to contribute to the couple's honeymoon (airfare, hotel upgrades, excursions, etc) so they can enjoy their first time away as newlyweds.
  • How to toast: Try to keep your toast genuine, heartfelt, and to wishing the couple many years of love.  We've all been at the wedding where the embarassing college or pre-couple story cropped up in a toast and it makes the whole room uncomfortable. Keep the sentiment true to your good wishes for the couple, everyone will admire your thoughts.
  • Bonus - Social Media:  In today's age of social share everything instantly, the desire to post pictures of the beautiful wedding is overwhelming. Know your coupleThey may want to be the ones to post the first pics of their special day. Conversely, they may provide a wedding day hashtag to encourage posts (example: #smithwedding).  I've even seen wedding pic sharing apps so that all the pictures the guests take are in one place.  If you aren't sure, ask someone in the bridal party.
Golden Tidbit:

Sometimes you need just the right accessory to complete the perfect wedding guest outfit.  I was browsing at H&M last weekend and found a Pyrite necklace that let me to this Etsy beauty. I've been thinking about picking up something like this for a while, so it was pretty perfect timing. For just $25 what a bargain!

Golden Quote: "Love one another and you will be happy. It's as simple and as difficult as that." - Michael Leunig

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Fathers Day Gift ideas

Happy Fathers Day! In honor of all the Great Dads out there (mine included!) here's some gift ideas that don't include Ties and socks.  Let's be honest, dads have more than enough of those. (also, great gift ideas for guys in general, we all know that can be tough sometimes).

Meat Skewers from the Grill from Ipanema
Meat.  On a Skewer.  What dad wouldn't like that? Take dad to the Grill from Ipanema (in belltown) or get a gift certificate.  While I haven't eaten here myself, I've heard amazing reviews from friends.

Woodinville Whiskey
Available at amny local retailers (from Safeway to Wine World), Woodinville Whiskey is one of the few Whiskeys made close to the Seattle area (but not the only one in the state).

Get Dad a walking food tour of Pike Place Market. Small groups, fewer stops mean a better background and bigger bites! Chek out Seattle Food Tours for more info
Golden Tidbit:

Today I'll be attending a friends Graduation party and I'm very excited for him.... however, he's graduating from UW (yes, my rival college).  It was requested that I wear Purple, which I don't own, so of course I'll wear gold. and bring some Cougar Gold.  What else could be the appropriate start for College rivalry? Available at QFC & Costco locally, and also online from the WSU Creamery for $20 (cheese, in a can, shipped to you.  Pretty amazing!)

Golden Quote: "My father gave me the greatest gift anyone could give another person, he believed in me." - Jim Valvano

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Leaning In

If I haven't mentioned it before, I travel a lot for my job.  This means a lot of windshield time, but a lot of air time as well. In todays case, this post is brought to you by gogoinflight wifi from 30,000 feet. The past 5 days will have me at a total of  4 airports (SEA, LAX, MSP, IND), 4 states (WA, CA, MN, IN) and 2 airlines (Delta & Alaska Air).  Lots of air time means I have the opportunity to get some uninterrupted work time, but also some good reading time as well. 

After reccomendations from a slew of friends, I finally read  "Lean In" by Sheryl Sandberg ($12.99 on Amazon) and absolutely loved it.  A little background on Sheryl Sandberg; she is the COO at Facebook, and was named one of Fortune's 50 most powerful women in business.  I whole heartedly recommend this book to anyone in business and leadership (men & women).  Sandberg covers mentorship, leadership, work-life balance and some great common sense advice to women (and men) about how to shape the careeer they truly want.  She shares a lot of her own experiences as well as those from her peers, giving you a unique insight to both entry level and at a high leadership level.  She also challenges the idea that anyone has to choose between family and career (the old idea that you can/can't have it all) and why so many limits are ones we put on ourselves based on expectations, experience or perception.  Mostly, to Lean In to what you want instead of pulling back.  A few quotes that stuck with me:

"Careers are a jungle gym, not a ladder"

"And what I saw happening is that women don't make one decision to leave the workforce. They makes lots of little decisions really far in advance that kind of inevitably lead them there."

Personally, parts of this book I agreed with and other parts made me absolutly irate.  But that's the point, and that will get people talking.  Sometimes the timing for a book is just right and I think the timing on this was perfect; I found a lot of useful info and think there's a lot of daily business application.  If you've read it, I'd love to hear what you thought; love it, hate it, think she's way off base or hit the mark? Leave some comments!

Golden Tidbit:
I am still kicking myself for not picking up a Gold luggage tag when I saw it on clearance at a Banana Republic a few months ago, but I found this one today that I think will fit the bill perfectly!  Leather and a sturdy buckle to make sure it doesn't leave your luggage; available on Amazon for $27

Golden Quote: 
"Fortune does favor the bold and you'll never know what you're capable of if you don't try.”  - Sheryl Sandberg

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Purse Mission: Completed

I can now say that I am the proud owner of a Rachel Zoe Purse.
OK fine, its a Satchel, but let's not get technical here. RZ is still RZ.  
Rachel Zoe Lee Large Satchel bag
Ever since RZ's first line came out, I have been in love with her style, and knew she'd be the one to come out with the perfect affordable bag (I know, it's still not the Prada perfection but it'll still be there when I'm ready). Although larger than what I had in mind, this happens to double perfectly as my new Laptop travel bag.  I have one of those generic laptop bags that work gives you for free and its... well, it's pretty much as generic as you can get (no, really, I tried to find a picture and it's so boring its no where to be found).  This little beauty will fit my laptop, iPad, folders and any other little bits and pieces I need to carry when traveling for work, or make a handy large purse.  That cuts me down from 3 bags to 2 when traveling, which helps since technically only 2 carry-ons are allowed.  I'm all about efficiency, especially when traveling.

I found this guy at Nordstrom Rack in Downtown Seattle, and they still have a few more as well as a white one.  I will say I strongly considered white, but since it is leather, and the bag will be doing a lot of travel, I decided that it would have quickly become dingy.  In trying to find a good pic of the bag, I have come across the rest of the collection and now have my eye 2 others that are a bit more of an everyday size. That said, I've never been one to shy away from an oversized bag.

An added tidbit for those fashion lovers out there; in researching quotes for this post, I found the greatest websites: and

Golden Tidbit:
For those frequent flyers who need a quick make-up trick, I highly recommend L'oreal Voluminous Million Lashes Mascara. I usually use this in combination with another mascara that lengthens, but a few swipes of this and eyes will brighten right up!  Available at most drugstores for around $7-9 (Here at for $8.99)

Golden Quote: "As far as I can remember, every dime I ever had went to something extravagant. I would rather spend more, buy fewer items and have them forever." -Rachel Zoe