This resulted in one of the best G&T's I've ever had, which of course made me research this amazing liquor. Turns out Sun Liquor Distillery is one of the only distilleries in the US that has a full service bar & restaurant (with Brunch!)
And lucky for us, was just up the hill (514 E. Pike, Seattle)
Not only is Washington blessed with an abundance of wineries and craft beers, but we are actually a home to quite a few local distilleries. Along with Sun Liquor, there is also Sound Spirits (Interbay), Mischief (Freemont), 2 Bar (Sodo), Oola (Cap Hill), Batch 206 (Interbay) and that's just a few of the local ones within walking/Uber distance for me. (Let me know if I forgot any others in the DT Seattle/Cap Hill/Interbay area; I count Woodinville as a separate "distillery district").
Golden Feature:
A gold flask seems like a pretty good way to transport new distillery goods as needed, and this one's on sale on Overstock for $28.49
Golden Tidbit: "I drink Champagne when I win, to celebrate... and I drink Champagne when I lose, to console myself." - Napoleon Bonaparte