Sunday, March 17, 2013

St. Paddy's Day Spring

Happy Wear-Green Day! In looking for something to wear today I did realize I had a lot more vibrant emerald Green to wear than I thought (blazer, crop pants, cardigan, silk shirt and 3-5 necklaces - although I have always loved jewel tones, so maybe this shouldn't surprise me). It truly is a gorgeous day out for St. Paddy's Day, so we decided a little brunch and cigar walk was in order (walk for me, Cigar for Jeremy)  We stopped at Blueacre (really, go if you haven't been, I'm serious that this is one of the best restaurants in Seattle) for a breakfast bite to energize and catch up with our favorite bartender, the shaggy ne'er-do-well we know as Neil. Then off on a walk filled with as much sun & nature as we could find within a mile or so of our apartment.  From the flowers we found, you'd think it was already spring, but I believe some great gardeners and city facility owners should get the credit.

And trying something new, an experimental B&W with Birch trees at the Federal Courthouse

Golden Tidbit:

Since it's St. Patrick's Day, I figured it was only fair to make sure the Golden Tidbit had some Green in it.  Also, Emerald is the Pantone color of the year, so really you should already be taking advantage. This Cabachon Kelly Green Bib necklace from Piperlime is $38 (free shipping!) 

Golden Quote: "The First day of spring is one thing, and the first spring day is another. The difference between them is sometimes as great as a month." -Henry Van Dyke

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