Sunday, September 1, 2013


I've been in a stationary mood lately but can't seem to find just the right one. (I'm sure part of this stems from the beginning of wedding planning and invitations happen to be on the mind.)

I have a local go-to friend who does my usual custom cards for me (one of those so-good secrets I'm just not ready to share her yet, sorry guys!). This is also in keeping with my intention to send an actual piece of mail/package every week and so far, I've been keeping up pretty well.  I think finding more of the right stationary will help kick me off into the holiday season. (Again, who doesn't love getting real mail?)

Golden Tidbit:
This Gold Foil notebook is the perfect place to jot down your notes or keep a sylish to-do list! Available from Carde Blanche for just $8 

Golden Quote: "I like writing letters and receiving letters. It's a shame that we've lost the art of letter-writing and saving correspondence." - Elizabeth McGovern

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