If you haven't heard of Cornhole, get to know it (here). Begun in Ohio, this game has quickly spread in popularity, and in just our tailgate lot we found these 3 sets:
They were also giving out Richard Shermam masks, and we happened find a lone Seahawks cupkae so of course this had to happen:
Also, it appears that we now hold the new Guinness Book World Record for loudest game: 131.9 decibels, nice job 12th Man! (Also largest Seahawks game attendance at 68,338!)
Update: apparently there was a reading of 136.6 decibels in the 3rd quarter, but I don't know if that was official....
Golden Tidbit:
Why wouldn't you want a Gold game coin?!? Get yours from the Seahawks Pro Shop for $34.95
Love seeing another seattlite here in blog land! Go hawks!