Sunday, May 26, 2013

Weekend Dining

Happy Memorial Day Weekend!  I know many of you have probably left town in what we should really consider the true start to summer.  We usually stick around for the sole purpose of not having to fight traffic in or out of town, and having the city a little emptier is a pretty good added bonus.
We decided to use up a few of the Amazon Local restaurant coupons that I've been accumulating and have some fun tasting some of what Downtown Seattle has to offer.

First up on Friday was a big favorite of mine, but one that the bf had never been to; Spur.
This is a little gem that has been getting more popular every week, and getting national recognition for amazing dishes. It's on Blanchard between 1st and 2nd, and worth the trip if you haven't been (yet, or recently).  Spur has been featured in Food & Wine Magazine, Conde Naste, Seattle Weekly, etc, but what really maters is that YOU go experience it.  Their seasonal menu changes often, but I had the Tagliatelle, which is a menu staple and pretty much luxury on a plate. This isn't just a restaurant with some of the most amazing food I've ever had, but the cocktails can be an experience all on their own. Just want a bite?  Then I absolutely recommend the Sockeye Salmon Crostini and let the bartender make you a drink that isn't on the menu.  My bf was asked what he liked (Bourbon) and if he preferred dry or sweet (dry) and by then, the drink was already decided in the bartenders head.  According to the bf, if a Manhattan and a Old Fashioned had a baby, it was the drink he had, and it was perfect.

My rum & grapefruit (with grapefruit foam) concoction; delicious.
Saturday we tried something completely different and decided on Japonessa.  Think Sushi with a Latin flair, and absolutely fantastic.  We arrived during happy hour, which is open to 6:30 in the entire restaurant. Guys, this is probably one of the best happy hour deals in the city, it's delicious, and totally worth it.  We sampled a few recommendations from a friend; Spicy Tuna Takaki and the Rock Star roll.  I could only get through one bite of the Spicy Tuna; the tuna was delicious, and perfectly tender, but I'm not a huge fan of jalapeno and this was swimming in it a jalapeno-based sauce.  I also had the happy hour eel roll which was satiny eel and avocado perfection.  The rolls were great, but next time I'll stick to the sashimi; the quality of the fish was amazing.

Golden Tidbit:

When walking the city this weekend, you want to make sure your footwear is comfortable and of course, golden.  I have a pair similar to these from Shoedazzle purchased a few years back and don't wear them nearly enough.  Get these on sale from for just $60.30

Golden Quote: "Ponder well on this point: the pleasant hours of our life are all connected by a more or less tangible link, with some memory of the table." - Charles Pierre Monselet

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Gilded Office Decor

I moved into a new office at work recently and realized that even though I've had my own office for almost 2 years, I've truly never bothered to decorate it.  To make it my own.  To put my own personality into the room.  Which is probably the reason my last office always felt a little "temporary" to me.  There's a fine line, of course, between decorating for home and decorating for work.  I want my office decor to be familiar, make me feel comfortable, but completely within the bounds of work appropriate (and yes, partially this is a limit I put on myself, and I'm fine with that).  The funny thing is that I'm in the construction industry, so a picture of a toilet or bathroom would be included in the appropriate category.

Just so you know, when I started searching Office Decor for this post, I never (surprisingly) intended for it to be all about gold.  Apparently my love of Gold is now seeping into decorating and it's HOT right now because everywhere I searched, Gold is prominently featured.  This is a trend I am completely on board with.

funny, but no:
yolo is never appropriate at the office.  Unless you work at a skydiving school.
Yes, that's a gold dino planter. I don't know either.
I don't often use pencils, but if I did, this would be an absolute must.
Office decor I could only do at a home office:
Gold Chevron wall. So amazing.
I'd do gold and white Brocade on the wall instead of this pattern, but still nice and clean
Love the gold screen as an accent

Actual possibilities for my office:
I'd love to do black & white prints of my own photos in different gold frames
LOVING this canvas wrap (gold feathers, could it be more appropriate for me?)
It wouldn't need to be this big, but an ornate gold framed mirror might be just the thing

Golden Tidbit:

I truly can't believe that no one ever pointed out I didn't have a Gold Stapler.  Honestly, this seems like an obvious one.  Already ordered and on it's way to me for just $24 from Furbish 

Golden Quote:   "The principle of the design - the harmony, rhythm, and balance are all the same with interior and fashion design." - Venus Williams

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Party Hosting

I was lucky enough to host an engagement party for some fantastic friends yesterday, which was a a pretty great time, but I'm getting ahead of myself.  In order to prep, a trip to the Pike Place was in order. You can tell it's Lilac season, just walking through the flower booths, the aroma is just heaven.

Tulips, Irises and the event bouquets from Pipe Place Market
Inspired by Pinterest (obviously) I offered food options and they chose the ones that they liked best:

  • Chicken Skewers
  • Lil Smokies
  • Veggie Cups
  • Watermelon Balsamic bites
  • Bread & Cheese (with Cougar Gold of course, this was a Cougar engagement party, after all)
  • Champagne Cupcakes
I also really wanted to do a bride and groom signature cocktail, and ended up with Rob Roys (Grooms favorite) and Sparkling Peach Perfection (Champagne, Peach juice, peach liqueur, Chambord, Peaches poached in Prosecco and just a splash of Club soda)

Champagne Cupcakes
These little scrumptious bites just didn't want to come together correctly. You know that moment when you are making white cupcakes and then accidentally add whole eggs instead of just egg whites? Yup, that's when you start making champagne colored cupcakes instead.  Then the filling just didn't want to come together (hint: allow your champagne simple syrup to cool before adding it to your whipping cream.  If not, you get a curdled mess). I thought the frosting was going to be perfect (it did taste quite like champagne) but the texture wasn't quite as frosting-like as I would have hoped.  After all of that, they tasted delicious and it really didn't matter, which is a little life lesson right there.

The Spread
The Happily Engaged couple
Golden Tidbit:
The Bride-to-be gave me this as a Hostess gift and what perfection! I know I'll be using these a LOT over the summer. Available from Pepper Creek Farms for $8.00

Golden Quote:"Love doesn't make the world go 'round, Love is what makes the ride worthwhile." -Franklin P. Jones

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Sunny Seattle Tourist Weekend

We had family from out of town, and like any good Seattleites, we played tourist on the sunniest weekend of the year so far.  Seriously folks, if you didn't go outside and enjoy a healthy dose of Vitamin D, you really missed out. It doesn't get better than 80 degrees on the first weekend in May here.
Our touristy checklist:
Underground Tour
Smith Tower Observation Deck
Seattle Pier
Pike Place Market
Ride the Ducks

Bust of Chief Seattle  in Pioneer Square
The Pioneer Building, the start of the Underground Tour
If you've never been on the Underground tour, especially if you are a Seattle resident, do it. You will learn more about the seedy side of Seattle History in 90 minutes than you ever wanted to know. Just a few facts to get you interested: Seattle is the originator of the term "Skid Row", elevated toilets were the norm (high tide was a HUGE factor to take into account), Seattle's original size depended on whether it was high or low tide. Are you getting the feeling that the original Seattle settlers might not have understood tides when the city was founded? If you want a complete history grab "Sons of the Profits" by Bill Speidel, or go take the tour (Underground Tour info here)

Elevated toilet in lower Seattle.. a throne
Then, with a suggestion from our tour guide off we went to Smith Tower! Did you know that when it was built in 1914, Smith Tower was the tallest building in the world outside of New York City. The original Otis elevators (complete with elevator operator!) are still in operation, and will whisk you up to the 35 floor.  The 360 degree view you get today is still one of the most complete views in the city, besides the Space Needle.

Smith Tower from below
Space Needle through the city from the Observation Deck
Elliot Bay, Great Wheel, and the Olympics from the Observation Deck
Mt. Rainier and Beacon Hill from the Observation Deck
Guys, if the unbelievable views don't convince you to go, then go for the Chinese Room; the furniture and the hand carved ceiling were gifts from the Empress of China.

 $7.50 is a deal for the views and the experience, click here for more info on the Smith Tower. We had Dinner at the Crab Pot on Pier 57; pretty much the perfect day for crab and cocktails outside in the sun.  At my insistence (to walk off some dinner), we hiked back up the hill, past Pike Place Market and all the way back home.  Let me tell you, that's a hill-filled hike!

On Sunday we decided we were long overdue to Ride the Ducks!
Gasworks Park; all those little dots on the hill are people enjoying the sun!
Glittering water and a view of the city from the Duck boat
I learned even more about Seattle (Lake Union is only 35 feet deep!) and getting a boat ride on Lake Union on the opening weekend of boating season, on the most gorgeous weekend since last year made for a pretty perfect weekend. Get more info on Ride the Ducks Seattle here.  

Golden Tidbit:

Sunny days in Seattle don't happen often, but when they do, make sure you are protected from those crazy rays with a little golden touch. Get some SPF 30 Australian Gold, available on Amazon for $9.49

Golden quote: "Science has never drummed up quite as effective a tranquilizing agent as a sunny spring day." - W. Earl Hall